¯\_(ツ)_/¯ IDK Emoticon Copy and Paste

Click or tap the copy button below to instantly copy the idk emoticon faces or emojis to your clipboard! (✿◠‿◠)

I don’t know

I don’t know

Dancing Around

I’m as confused as you

Why am i dead?

I don’t know

I really do not know

I really don’t care

I don’t care

I don’t know

Cool guys don’t know that

I don’t care

Idk, lol

I don’t care

IDK bear

idk bro

Sorry, idk

Hehe Idk

idk, dude

idk, broh

Shrug Alternate


IDK what to do


People shouting at each other

Cry asf

Crying And screaming

Idk My Friend

We are sad asf

A mad guy screaming


What is Kaomoji ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Kaomoji refers to a style of emoticons or facial expressions that originated in Japan. These emoticons are created using various combinations of keyboard characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Kaomoji are often used to convey a wide range of emotions, adding a visual element to online conversations. They can express feelings like happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, or playfulness, providing a fun and creative way to communicate in digital messages. Some popular examples of kaomoji include (^_^), (¬‿¬), (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻, and many more.

What does idk emoticon mean?

IDK stands for “I Don’t Know.” It’s an acronym used in text messaging or online chats. It’s not specifically related to emojis or emoticons but can be used in the same contexts.

How to use this website?

Copying and pasting idk emoticon is incredibly easy. Simply click the “Copy” button below the face or text face you want to copy. Once you click on it, the face will be automatically copied to your clipboard.