¯(ツ)/¯ Shrug Emoticon Copy and Paste

Click or tap the copy button below to instantly copy the shrug emoticon faces or emojis to your clipboard! (✿◠‿◠)

Shrug Sunglasses

Sad Shrug

i dont know Shrug

Angry Shrug

Look At This

sleepy Shrug

Anime Sweat

I really don’t care

flower eye Shrug

robot Shrug

Why Shrug

Lenny Shrug

Dunno Man

Bit Nervous Shrug

Kawaii Shrug

star eyes Shrug

Smile Shrug Face

I Dont Care

old man Shrug

Spider Shrug

Derpy Shrug

sweating Shrug

Happy Shrug

Who Knows?

Confused shrug

Donger girl Shrug

Confused Sweating

Insecure Fool Boy

smiley Shrug

Shrug Face

Egyptian Dance

Not Sure

Crazy Shrug

No Idea


Big Insecure Eyes

ears Shrug

Shrugging Cat

Shrugging Guy

Sad Shrug

I Rest My Case

Crazy Shrug

Cry Shrug

Not Sure At All Boy

hug Shrug

Disapproving Shrug

Why Am I So Happy?

Sad Shrug

Smile Shrug

Suffering Shrug

Serious Bad Shrug

Shocked Shrug

lenny face Shrug

Shrug Serious

Meditate Shrug

Man Shrugging

Sleep Shrug

Anger Shrug

Meh, I Don’t Care

Round Shrug

Shrug Kiss

Blushing Shrug

Baby Shrug


Go Ahead

Eyes Shrug

old man shrug

Discontent Shrug

Slug Shrug

Cheerful Shrug

Close Eyes Shrug

Can’t Understand

Feeling Shrug Insecure

Sleeping Shrug

fake sleep Shrug

disapproval Shrug

Shrug that one

Doubtful Man

Rare Face Shrug

Happy Shrugging

Curious Shrug

Happy Shrugging

Person Shrug

Shrug Dumby

Shrug Face Sad

What is Kaomoji ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Kaomoji refers to a style of emoticons or facial expressions that originated in Japan. These emoticons are created using various combinations of keyboard characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Kaomoji are often used to convey a wide range of emotions, adding a visual element to online conversations. They can express feelings like happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, or playfulness, providing a fun and creative way to communicate in digital messages. Some popular examples of kaomoji include (^_^), (¬‿¬), (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻, and many more.

What does shrug face emoticon mean?

In the context of emoticons or emojis, a shrug typically represents a gesture of uncertainty, indifference, or lack of knowledge. It is often used to convey confusion, ambiguity, or a lack of understanding about a particular situation or statement. The shrug emoji is often represented by ¯_(ツ)_/¯ or  ¯(°_o)/¯, where the character’s arms are lifted in a gesture of uncertainty. It is a way to express that one does not know or does not care about something.

How to use this website?

Copying and pasting the shrug face emoticon is incredibly easy. Simply click the “Copy” button below the face or text face you want to copy. Once you click on it, the face will be automatically copied to your clipboard.